Example of the CFO
These days, chief financial officers are required to grapple with an almost endless array of challenges. They have to manage active investors, ensure regulatory compliance and organise global financial flows. Moreover, they are frequently tasked with responsibilities such as business transformation, innovation and other strategic initiatives. Finance itself is also changing noticeably: As an increasingly automated function, it offers in-depth analytical insights to those who know how to interpret it.
All of these changes are calling for a new type of CFO. S/he must be flexible, innovative and nimble, not only managing his or her department, but also in helping to improve the company’s performance in general, providing data for the colleagues on the board and assisting the CEO.
Hofmann Consultants has strong roots in the business community and close-knit networks, and is therefore able to assemble complete executive teams for the finance sector – auditors, heads of finance and corporate tax departments and directors of the investor relations, corporate development and internal audit.
Example of the CHRO
At a time of considerable volatility, HR executives are taking on a central role in businesses as the drivers of transformation. This also includes the privilege and responsibility of helping to shape the business strategy. Efficient processes in the area of HR are no longer the only thing in demand. Managing the organisation’s talent and skills agenda to actively shape change is also increasingly important. The People & Organization Executive of today is no longer comparable with the HR Manager of the past, who was often understood as simply being an administrator without any significant strategic importance. Change requires visionary and effective leadership which develops the potential of all employees and knows how to put it to profitable use. This starts with identifying and developing the best managers for our time.
We provide support to HR managers with this paradigm shift. We support you, your team and your entire organisation in a world in which change has become the norm. To survive in this highly volatile environment, outstanding leaders are required. We bring you together with the best.
Example of the CIO
In many companies, efficient IT is considered a guarantee for efficiency, competitiveness and growth. Approaches such as big data, business intelligence, BYOD, cloud computing, SaaS and virtualisation suggest that IT can make everything easier, faster and cheaper – and even increase competitiveness and opportunities for revenue. The reality is often different, though. CIOs and their role in the company have reached a new level of evolution and their tasks extend far beyond those of a traditional IT manager. In the future, they will not only have to manage their employees and provide them with tasks, but also drive new technical developments parallel to the stressful day-to-day business. This can only be achieved through the targeted development of a high-performance team which needs to be consistently shaped and led in a visionary way. Here, a CIO is required to master a wide variety of roles. Until shortly after the turn of the millennium, the principle task of a CIO was in planning and operating an infrastructure-driven system of IT. Even today, choosing technology, setting up and expanding a scalable network topology, security, the operation of systems, the provision of data and the associated IT service are still the key responsibilities, but only provide the basis for the other important roles in which a CIO is required to advance and to grow both the team and the company.