Themed publications


Der Beirat (The Advisory Board)

Brochure, 28 pages (German)
2019, published by Hofmann Consultants

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Congenial, but humble

The head of communications is no longer a journalist, but an analytical multi-talent. He manages reputation and actively anticipates issues. The ideal candidate is rare (German).

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Drama on the cards

Corporations have already gone into receivership because they have failed to understand the effect of the internet on their business. It is amazing how little others have learned from this. Could a “Chief Digital Officer” be of help here?

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Book publications



Edited by Dieter Hofmann and Gabriele Bergert

2nd edition 2014, Springer Gabler

Available on Amazon

Beirat und Aufsichtsrat (Advisory Board and Supervisory Board)

Dr. Christoph Achenbach and
Dr. Frederick Gottschalck

2016, Handelsblatt Fachmedien

Available on Amazon

Familienexternes Management (Management outside the family)

Dr. Christoph Achenbach

2018, Handelsblatt Fachmedien

Available on Amazon